Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Good Reader

                                                                         A Good Reader        Kayla Parks
Eng 102
          A good reader in the passage consists of a person who can get involved into the text. Also a go 

reader needs to pay attention to detail and know what is happening according to Nabokov. In this 

passage it is stated by Nabokov that you must feel as if you are in the book to be a good reader. I do 

 not agree with many of Nabokov’s statements because a good reader does not have to feel the text 

 emotionally all they have to do is understand what is being read. Also this passage was confusing 

and it is hard to read which is contradicting to what is actually about.

           Reading a difficult passage can make a good reader because they will try harder and be more 

efficient while reading. A good reader consists of a person who takes their time and reads carefully 

but also understands the text. Everyone is different and the qualities to make a good reader vary, 

some people may be a good reader and take notes as they read others might just absorb it as they 

read. For me reading is a challenge however if I take my time and work at it I too can be a good 
